Thursday 26 June 2014

So I am back where I started from - but I've finished !!!

Just needing a little dirt to smudge under the nails
This weekend I will re-string him and  take photographs and the really short video

Tuesday 24 June 2014

This is my test video - since this was filmed the Troll went through drastic changes to try and achieve the desired appearance and movement to my satisfaction. I am therefore running a little behind schedule and the final video performance will probably be a short demonstration of the marionette rather than a full production of the Three Billy Goats Gruff

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Unfortunatly I still haven't ben successful in posting my short video. Here are a few shots of the troll and the Dial O'crock. I have started preparing the little puppet show but think the story may need a little 'tweeking'.